特色专栏 > 机械外语


2011/7/13    作者:未知    来源:网络转载    阅读:1569

齿轮 Toothed gear ;Gear
齿面Tooth flank
长幅内摆线Prolate hypocycloid
齿轮副Gear pair
平行齿轮副Gear pair with parallel axes
相交齿轮副Gear pair with intersecting axes
齿轮系Train of gears
行星齿轮系Planetary gear train
齿轮传动Gear drive; Gear transmission
配对齿轮Mating gears
大齿轮Wheel; Gear
主动齿轮Driving gear
从动齿轮Driven gear
行星齿轮Planet gear
行星架 Planet carrier
右侧齿面Right flank
左侧齿面Left flank
同侧齿面Corresponding flank
异侧齿面Opposite flank
工作齿面Working flank
非工作齿面Non-working flank
相啮齿面Mating flank
共轭齿面Conjugate flank
可用齿面Usable flank
有效齿面Active flank
上齿面Addendum flank
下齿面Dedendum flank
短副内摆线Curtate hypocycloid
渐开线Involute; Involute to a circle
延伸展开线Prolate involute
缩短渐开线Curtate involute
球面渐开线Spherical involute
渐开螺旋线Involute helicoid
阿基米德螺旋面Screw helicoid
球面渐开螺旋面Spherical involute; helicoid
圆环面的母圈Generant of the toroit
圆环面的中性圈Middle circle of the toroid
圆环面的中间平面Middle-plane of the toroid
圆环面的内圈Inner circle of the toroid
太阳轮Sun gear
齿顶Crest; Top land
内齿圈Ring gear; Annulus gear

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